Adventureous Diners, the Explorers Club
pushing you outside of your food comfort zone
This documentary from the National Geographic Channels shares with us the Explorers Club's annual dinner at the New York City Waldorf=Astoria Hotel. The purpose of the dinner is to give members an opportunity to try food which millions of others different from our culture eat safely every day, through choice or necessity.
The Explorers Club is an international multidisciplinary professional society dedicated to the advancement of field research and the ideal that it is vital to preserve the instinct to explore. Since its inception in 1904, the Club has served as a meeting point and unifying force for explorers and scientists worldwide. The headquarters is located at 46 East 70th Street in New York City. Click here for a virtual tour of the Club.
Promoting Exploration for Over One Hundred Years
Founded in New York City in 1904, The Explorers Club promotes the scientific exploration of land, sea, air, and space by supporting research and education in the physical, natural and biological sciences. The Club's members have been responsible for an illustrious series of famous firsts: First to the North Pole, first to the South Pole, first to the summit of Mount Everest, first to the deepest point in the ocean, first to the surface of the moon—all accomplished by its members.
The video interviews the club's Exotic Foods chairman, Gene Rurka, a biologist, with a passion for sustainable hunting, wildlife preservation, and curious cuisine. Each annual dinner takes two years to prepare, and from their web site:
As always at our famed Annual Dinner, the evening begins with cocktails and our famous exotic hors d’oeuvres. During cocktails, guests also can visit the various exhibits and find out about products and organizations related to exploration.
Exotics Our guests will explore exotic culinary terrain as they sample these expertly-prepared delicacies:
• North American Beaver, marinated and oven-roasted
• Roasted Honey-Glazed Tarantula
• Cajun-Spiced Tempura Tarantula
• North American Crickets, perched atop a celery stick filled with pepper jelly cream cheese
• Spiced Goat Cheese Scorpion Endive Float
• Roasted Cricket—herbed cream cheese toastettes
• Sushi—seaweed and sticky rice with pickled carrots, radishes and cucumbers, bursting with mealworms
• Musca Domestica sweet maize
• Musca Domestica Larvae mushroom caps
• Musca Domestica Carnivale—Filo pastry filled with muscoid larvae topped with honey and muscoid pupae
• Pickled Duck Dongue with goat cheese on raisin bread toast
• Skewered Scorpion Crudités
• Mealworms rising from escargot butter in a delicious puff pastry
• Brandy-Spiced Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches
• Roasted South American Ants with a dollop of seasoned crème fraiche on a cucumber boat
• Sautéed Earthworms
• Elk Bourguignon
• Oven Roasted Curried Spanish Goat Roasted Feral Hog—delicately rubbed with garlic, lemon, paprika and chili pepper
• Vertebrate Optic Globular Capsules—marinated in fine spirits and stuffed with olives and onions for our Exotic Explorer’s Martini
• Globular Optic Fritters, with a delicate gribliche sauce
• Asian Glazed Raccoon
• Alligator—delicately marinated, lightly glazed, barbecued, spiced and smiling
• Blankette of Alligator
• Succulent Rattlesnake—roasted and stewed with chipolte peppers
• Rosemary Herbed Rattlesnake Cakes with sour cream
• Rocky Mountain Oysters—prepared in a beer batter and served with chipolte aioli
• Rose Buds in champagne batter and orange, honey sauce
• Roasted Baby Zucchini with crispy flowers and fritters
• Edible Orchids—lightly glazed to hold in their delicate beauty
• Axis Deer Stew
• Braised Leg of Kangaroo
This documentary from the National Geographic Channels shares with us the Explorers Club's annual dinner at the New York City Waldorf=Astoria Hotel. The purpose of the dinner is to give members an opportunity to try food which millions of others different from our culture eat safely every day, through choice or necessity.

Promoting Exploration for Over One Hundred Years
Founded in New York City in 1904, The Explorers Club promotes the scientific exploration of land, sea, air, and space by supporting research and education in the physical, natural and biological sciences. The Club's members have been responsible for an illustrious series of famous firsts: First to the North Pole, first to the South Pole, first to the summit of Mount Everest, first to the deepest point in the ocean, first to the surface of the moon—all accomplished by its members.

As always at our famed Annual Dinner, the evening begins with cocktails and our famous exotic hors d’oeuvres. During cocktails, guests also can visit the various exhibits and find out about products and organizations related to exploration.
Exotics Our guests will explore exotic culinary terrain as they sample these expertly-prepared delicacies:
• North American Beaver, marinated and oven-roasted
• Roasted Honey-Glazed Tarantula
• Cajun-Spiced Tempura Tarantula
• North American Crickets, perched atop a celery stick filled with pepper jelly cream cheese
• Spiced Goat Cheese Scorpion Endive Float
• Roasted Cricket—herbed cream cheese toastettes
• Sushi—seaweed and sticky rice with pickled carrots, radishes and cucumbers, bursting with mealworms
• Musca Domestica sweet maize
• Musca Domestica Larvae mushroom caps
• Musca Domestica Carnivale—Filo pastry filled with muscoid larvae topped with honey and muscoid pupae
• Pickled Duck Dongue with goat cheese on raisin bread toast
• Skewered Scorpion Crudités
• Mealworms rising from escargot butter in a delicious puff pastry
• Brandy-Spiced Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches
• Roasted South American Ants with a dollop of seasoned crème fraiche on a cucumber boat
• Sautéed Earthworms
• Elk Bourguignon
• Oven Roasted Curried Spanish Goat Roasted Feral Hog—delicately rubbed with garlic, lemon, paprika and chili pepper
• Vertebrate Optic Globular Capsules—marinated in fine spirits and stuffed with olives and onions for our Exotic Explorer’s Martini
• Globular Optic Fritters, with a delicate gribliche sauce
• Asian Glazed Raccoon
• Alligator—delicately marinated, lightly glazed, barbecued, spiced and smiling
• Blankette of Alligator
• Succulent Rattlesnake—roasted and stewed with chipolte peppers
• Rosemary Herbed Rattlesnake Cakes with sour cream
• Rocky Mountain Oysters—prepared in a beer batter and served with chipolte aioli
• Rose Buds in champagne batter and orange, honey sauce
• Roasted Baby Zucchini with crispy flowers and fritters
• Edible Orchids—lightly glazed to hold in their delicate beauty
• Axis Deer Stew
• Braised Leg of Kangaroo