Mouton Rothschild Wine Labels

take note of the different Mouton Rothschild bottles
another famous wine every hotelier must know

1945: the beginning of a tradition

To celebrate the liberation, Philippe de Rothschild decides to modify the traditional label of Château Mouton-Rothschild and to dedicate the new label to the allies’ victory and the end of the Second World War. For the year 1945, one of the best years of the century, Philippe de Rothschild commanded a picture of the V. Celebrated by Churchill from Philippe Jullian.

From this exceptional event a tradition was born. From 1946, the label changes every year and a different artist creates the new illustration every time.

From 1946 to 2005, more than 50 original labels will be created. Nevertheless, for historical reasons, the years 1953 and 1977 will escape this tradition. In 1953, it is decided to commemorate the century of the purchase of the Château Brane Mouton by Nathaniel de Rothschild. In 1977, the landlord pictures the visit of the Queen Mother of England.

To illustrate a label, the artist must choose one of the four imposed themes: the vine, the pleasure of drinking, the ram or the Rothschild family.

For information, the symbolic ram of Château Mouton Rothschild originates in a piece of goldsmithery today kept in the Rothschild museum. The little “ram from Augsburg” is a vermeil hanaper from the 16th century. The artist has full liberty in the treatment, composition and execution of the theme. He is submitted to a specific format: 100 mm width by 42 mm height. Hence artists like Georges Braque create an artwork to the exact size of the printed label whilst others like Pierre Soulage will create meter large fresco. For their contribution, the artists do not get paid. They receive a number of cases of wine from 2 years, including the one they designed the label for.

Click the following labels for the vintage as well as the name of the artist:



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